Hope Lane Album Launch “It’s All Us”
“Hope Lane’s new album, It’s All Us is hands down my favorite album of the year! It has fun pop dance songs and amazing ballads. Thank you for making this album ❤️”
William (HL’s Biggest Fan)
🔥It’s All Us – New Music OUT NOW! 🔥 Hope Lane’s first FULL ALBUM is FULL of #ultimatevibes
✨Tis the season…sooo…go give ‘It’s All Us’ a listen. Follow our social accounts, listen on your favorite music player and tap that ❤️ + let us know what you think.
✨This album is a big milestone for Hope Lane + we’re just getting started.
✨We had the best time creating this album + collaborating on a couple of songs with our ultra-talented friend, country-pop artist @graham_albright_music
✨We pray these songs will inspire you to smile, reflect, chase your dreams + make you dance. Go give it a listen 🎧.
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- Album: It’s All Us by Hope Lane
- Released: December 01, 2022
- Song List: I Love You, Forever, It’s All Us, Wait, Stay, Can’t Stop, Dancing, Stay (remix)
- Recording Artists: Aria K Wells, Asher A Wells, Robby C Wells, Amelia A Wells, Robert W Wells (RWW Music), (guest artist: Graham F Albright)
- Producer: Robert W Wells (RWW Music)
- Co-Producer: Graham F Albright
- Mastering: Sam Moses (Moses Mastering)
- Record Label: Hope Lane Music (Hope Lane Media)
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